Week 3: The Muppet Show

I’ve been planning for some time to remake 3 Muppet magical moments, which I originally created a few years ago using Pinnacle. This time Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro will be used to bring better quality editing and effects with improved CGI sets and no errors left in the final edit. Here is a diary of what I’ve been doing.


Saturday, 11 April 2020
This morning I realised I hadn’t scaled the puppets properly to the CGI set. This has been rectified.

Monday, 13 April 2020
Today the new studio lights I ordered arrived. These will help light up the green or blue screen more, which in turn will make it easier to key out the colour.

I decided to set up the green set in the spare room as there is more room in there. Plus this will allow the living area to be turned back into a living area.

Green studio

I did a test shot using a quick Quantum Leap scene my USA friend, Chris, asked me for help with where I play the part of one of the tech crew of Project Quantum Leap.

I filmed and edited this sequence in 30 frames per second so it would be compatible with the US TV format.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Today received an adaptor that will allow me to use the camera light, which for unknown reasons has a cigarette plug on it. The light works nicely, so is going to be used to light up the subject in front of the green screen.

I also set up a rig of lights to add lighting to the studio.

Blue set

I needed to use a blue screen today to film all puppets that have an element of green on them. I’ve done my best to match the actions of the original music moment that is usually embedded in peoples minds once they’ve heard even a small part of it.

Thursday, 16 April 2020
Today I edited all that I filmed yesterday, which took up most of the day and also sourced material to fill in gaps between sequences to give it a bit of a flow.

Friday, 17 April 2020
Today I filmed the last music number, which is my utmost favourite from when I used to listen to it a lot as a child.

I also re-shot some small parts that didn’t quite work out yesterday, which wasn’t a big issue. I prefer to film and get it right than spend a month making a film only to have small parts of it not looking right.

I’ve also been sourcing credits for all the material I’ve used to apply to end title as a bit of knowledge behind the original sequences.

Saturday, 18 April 2020
I’ve filmed the last 4 small shots to finish this off and then applied it to the film ready to render, view, adjust parts where needed, and then upload to YouTube and other social media.

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